mercatino natalizio_
9 - 14 DICEMBRE 2024

mercatino natalizio_
9 - 14 DICEMBRE 2024
The LOMI_store range of homeware, furniture, artworks & vintage items – created, constructed or sourced by our network in London and Milano – will be on display at Piupianì, Piazza Berlinguer, Milano 7/8/9 June 2024, and for sale via this website
Friday 7 June 17.00 - 21.00
Saturday 8 June 11.00 - 21.00
Sunday 9 June 11.00 - 21.00
To celebrate the Enzo Mari exhibition, originally shown at the Triennale Milano in 2020 and now on display at the Design Museum in London, during our June show we will also hold a series of events inspired by the work of this great Milanese designer and theorist

Friday 7 June 17.00 - 21.00
Theme: Imagine
_creative activity for kids and/or adults + aperitivo 17.00 - 21.00
To launch our weekend of events, on Friday 7 June we invite you to join us for a merenda / aperitivo, during which we will propose an interactive activity based on Living, a game created by Enzo Mari and Paolo Gallerani in 1976
Players of any age (participation is optional!) select cards at random from a deck created by LOMI_ based on the principles of the original game. These cards provide the characteristics of an imaginary character players are encouraged to reflect on and in some way document
We will provide pencils and paper and welcome you to contribute to a communal drawing, with sketches or words, something relating to your assigned character
Free participation for kids and adults, no booking required
During the event we will collect donations for Aya Dawoud, a young Gazan woman, and her family @ayaa.daw3

Saturday 8 June_ 11.00 - 21.00
Theme: Construct
_workshop for kids and/or adults 15.00 - 17.00
_talk on Enzo Mari with Heidi Mancino + aperitivo 19.00 - 21.00
On Saturday 8 June from 15.00 - 17.00 we will propose an activity for kids and/or adults to explore the concept of construction
Taking inspiration from Enzo Mari’s Autoprogettazione project, for which he developed a range of furniture that can easily be assembled by people without woodworking skills, we will use commonly available materials (paper, card, tape, wood off-cuts) to make miniature furniture or animal forms, to explore playing in 3D and to engage with the basic principles of construction
Participation is free. We can’t host unaccompanied children but parents are also invited to participate. Adults unaccompanied by children are very welcome
Please reserve your space by emailing LOMIstore.co@gmail.com
The materials will be available from 15.00-17.00 but the activity is not structured and has the duration of your choice
Saturday 8 June_ 19.00 - 21.00
Theme: Construct
_talk on Enzo Mari with Heidi Mancino + aperitivo
On Saturday 8 June from 19.00 - 21.00 we will hold an aperitivo with some of the makers and artists who are part of the LOMI_ network
Heidi Mancino will host a talk on process, craft, Enzo Mari
Free participation, during the event we will collect donations for Aya Dawoud, a young Gazan woman, and her family @ayaa.daw3

Sunday 9 June_ 11.00 - 18.00
Theme: Play
_creative activity for kids and/or adults 15.00 - 17.00
On Sunday 9 June we will explore play through Enzo Mari’s designs. We will have examples of his puzzles to engage with, as well as the opportunity to play The Fable Game, a graphic story game that is reconstructed anew with every rendition
We will also provide empty cards, pencils and colouring pens to facilitate the creation of new story boards, with the intention of making a new and collective version of The Fable Game
Participation is free. We can’t host unaccompanied children, but parents are encouraged to participate. Adults unaccompanied by children are very welcome. During the event we will collect donations for Aya Dawoud, a young Gazan woman, and her family @ayaa.daw3
Please reserve your space by emailing LOMIstore.co@gmail.com
The materials will be available from 15.00 - 17.00 but the activity is not structured and has the duration of your choice